NASTY WOMEN Memphis | Art + Activism


NASTY WOMEN Memphis Art Exhibition

Exhibiting Artists of NASTY WOMEN Memphis

Congratulations, to the following submitting artists identifying as or supporting Nasty Women!  Those chosen for the NASTY WOMEN Memphis Art Exhibition, are as follows: Darcie Beeman-Black DNA Necklace Katie Benjamin Examination in Pink: Case Study 03 Linda Berman Love Trumps Hate Alysha Bird The Weight Katina Bitsicas Words Can Never Hurt Me Kelli Black Don’t…

DEADLINE TOMORROW! Hurry Up Already! :)

Have you submitted your piece to the Nasty Women Memphis Art Exhibition yet? The deadline is Friday, January 27, 2017 (TOMORROW). If you ran out of time to make something specifically for the show but have something already made you’d like to put in (or if you have something nearly finished but you need a few days past the deadline), please go ahead submit your piece at so we can make sure you and your art are in our system.

This exhibit is turning out to be better than we ever imagined, you don’t want to miss a chance to include your work in this show!

#art #memphis #artmemphis #nastywoman #nastywomen #nastywomenmemphis #nastywomenexhibition #plannedparenthood #resist #resistance

Gimme An N!

My Kenny is working on what will be the 3D letters in the Nasty Women Memphis Art Exhibition.

Yes, that letter N is made from an old door, and it’s setting in my hallway with the unfinished floor!  If it gets any more grass roots than this, I don’t know how!  đŸ™‚

These letters will be bridged together with dowels, front to back, painted pink and covered in black mesh.

I can’t wait!

November 6, 2018

Remember this date November 6, 2018. That’s the date on which 33 senate seats, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and 14 governorship’s will be up for re-election. Put it on your calendar now and be prepared to be an informed voter. If you are worried, concerned, angry, disappointed about the direction the government is going this is the most effective way to make a change, stop complaining and start planning. Remember the president is only one cog in the government machine, and you can make effective change through voting for your local and state representatives, this is the check that can balance this situation. Pass it on…

Memphis Women’s March Brings 7-9K in Peaceful Protest

My husband, Kenny, and I were happy to join the courageous women, men and children marching in the Memphis Women’s March this morning! The expected number of 3,000 peaceful protesters nearly tripled in attendance at the Judge D’army Bailey Courthouse, where the march began. Speakers before the march were US Representative from TN, Steve Cohen, and Adrienne Bailey, widow of civil rights activist, Judge D’Army Bailey, who encouraged the attendants in their march and to take the long, hard, fight forward. It was spirit-lifting to see the turn-out of so many like-minded people, defending women’s, African-American, LGBTQ, immigrant, and individual rights during the march. Thank you to the organizers of this event, it was beautiful to be a part of this momentous movement.

Nasty Women Making History

The Nasty Women Art Exhibition in Queens, NYC, ended Sunday. They have shared that they SOLD OUT the entire show. Over $42,000 in proceeds raised will go to Planned Parenthood. The Knockdown Center’s programing “Stay Nasty” also raised over $8,000 for smaller non-profits benefiting women’s rights, bringing the grand total to over $50,000.

You can read more about the evening here:

The GuardianNY1
The Huffington PostSalon Magazine
HyperallergicVillage Voice
KonbiniNY Daily News
New York Magazine | The CutPrevious Press:
ArtforumBedford and Bowery
Bushwick DailyBrooklyn Magazine #1
Bedford and BoweryBrooklyn Magazine #2
BUST MagazineThe Creator’s Project (VICE)
Art MovementsThe Metro
Fox NewsObserver
The Ladies FingerPapermag

Print and Post

You can help Nasty Women Memphis by printing and distributing our Call to Artists before the January 27, 2017, deadline and our Flyer, at any time. We want to get the word out to as many artists who would like to join in our effort of solidarity defending women’s rights, individual rights, and reproductive rights. Distributing our flyer will help get the word out for patrons to attend our exhibit, buy art and support Planned Parenthood.