NASTY WOMEN Memphis | Art + Activism


Memphis Women’s March Brings 7-9K in Peaceful Protest

My husband, Kenny, and I were happy to join the courageous women, men and children marching in the Memphis Women’s March this morning! The expected number of 3,000 peaceful protesters nearly tripled in attendance at the Judge D’army Bailey Courthouse, where the march began. Speakers before the march were US Representative from TN, Steve Cohen, and Adrienne Bailey, widow of civil rights activist, Judge D’Army Bailey, who encouraged the attendants in their march and to take the long, hard, fight forward. It was spirit-lifting to see the turn-out of so many like-minded people, defending women’s, African-American, LGBTQ, immigrant, and individual rights during the march. Thank you to the organizers of this event, it was beautiful to be a part of this momentous movement.