NASTY WOMEN Memphis | Art + Activism


Thank You!

Artists, Curators, Sponsors, Planned Parenthood, Buyers, Viewers

We had a great closing, last night and raised $4,273 for Planned Parenthood! I want to thank all our wonderfully talented artists for helping express our rage in a creative, productive and provocative boom! We are always so proud to show your work and appreciate the trust you have given us since 2017.

New curators, Steph and Savi, met the challenges these shows always bring and handled them beautifully. It was satisfying to work with new blood and of course my old (young) pal, Danielle. Danielle and I have run these shows in such a symbiotic way that it always felt to me like some greater force was pushing everything along. It was nice to do this again with her and add Steph and Savi to our usual mix. Thank you, ladies! ❤️

Our sponsors always make these exhibits possible so I would like to give major shouts out to Crosstown Arts, Marshall Arts, High Cotton Brewing Co., and of course our resident Nasty Woman, Jacques Rook. All Jacques asked from me was a photo of the uterus cookies at the opening. Things were so swamped I didn’t get a photo of any of the food set out, but I will be giving her my Toss Your Cookies sculpture to hopefully correct my error. If anyone did get a photo of the food table at opening, please send it to me at

Finally thank you to Planned Parenthood of Tennessee & North Mississippi for their consistent support of our exhibit, and our buyers and viewers of the beautiful art! We are so thankful for your support, feedback and appreciation of our efforts. The chance to provide outreach and have a meaningful conversation about this often misunderstood platform, makes all the work that goes into it, worthwhile.

It’s always been about choice. Never surrender. ❤️

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