If you weren’t able to submit your work using the web form, please submit by sending an email to nastywomenmemphis@comcast.net.
1. Please include the following information in your submission:
- Name:
- Email:
- Phone:
- Website URL:
- Street Address:
- City/State/Zip:
2. For each work submitted, please include the following information:
- Title of Work:
- Year of Work:
- Size of Work:
- Material/Medium:
- Price of Work:
- Donation Amount: 50%, Amount Greater Than 50%, or 100%
3. If you wish to remain anonymous, please enter “anonymous” in lieu of any artist’s biography or artist’s statement information. In such cases, the artist’s name will only be used in our records and not made public.
- Artist Biography: (Where you are from, past exhibitions/projects, etc. (If you wish to remain anonymous, please enter “anonymous” and your name will only be used in our records and not made public.)
- Artist Statement: (What inspired the specific work you are submitting? Why do you want to participate in this NASTY WOMEN exhibition? What does it mean to you to be a NASTY WOMAN in the arts? (If you wish to remain anonymous, please enter “anonymous” and your name will only be used in our records and not made public.)
4. Please remember:
- Attach an image file of your work when you submit your email to nastywomenmemphis@comcast.net
Please download the .PDF by right-clicking on the Call to Artists link and select “save link as” to save the file. Please print out, complete the submission form and snail mail it to the address listed within.