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Loveday Funck
Lady Liberty
16×20 print
mixed media, digital art
[available for sale here]
Louisiana based artist, Loveday Funck started her career in art later in life, but her love of history and whimsy have been a constant interest. Making use of a talent for the manipulation of digital images, she creates a twisted fairy tale world, finding her inspiration in the centuries old buildings and graveyards of New Orleans and the unique sites that dot the Acadiana landscape.
Her art has been recognized in international juried exhibitions as well as competitions. Her work often amuses as her sense of humor is revealed in juxtaposing the world of formal, Victorian era photography with the portraits of modern pets or other animals.
Working from antique imagery and her own photography, Loveday Funck turns her eye to the intersection of history and the fantastic. Combining the surreal experience of her heart with the images of historic Louisiana she creates a whimsical, colorful, and usually macabre world. Come and partake in its skewed sacrament.”
I am participating because this is a truly critical time in our country’s history. We need to do whatever we can to help preserve our democracy.