Today we honor Native Americans, their histories and cultures. Native people were inhabiting and caring for this land long before a certain someone accidentally arrived

Charles Tigrett
Poetry in Motion
Photograph, 15″x15″, matted 18″x18″
[available for sale here]
100% of funds donated to Planned Parenthood.
Charles Tigrett, professional photographer for over 40 years and happily married to a great ‘Nasty Woman’ (and artist) for almost that long : ) ! We were in business together (Imagery Marketing), from 1979 to 2010-ish. My 15 years at the newspaper was as sole marketing photographer, and included multi-media, which became our specialty in our new business, in addition to print and broadcast for major corporate clients – from 1979-2010-ish. Following the 2009 crash, many long-time clients suffered serious setbacks – so we did, too. During an earlier recession, we took part of our large screening room in our offices on Union, and turned it into a specialty retail showroom for Italian bicycles, of all things, my lifelong passion. It was a hit, did great! So we did both successfully for many years…and still cycling (some), too. We’ve been very fortunate.
Another divine Pickwick sunset.